Oraltay Logistics provides special service for high tonnage commodities in 3200 m2 closed and 10000 m2 open area.
stock trackIng
Oraltay logistics provides full control over inventory management. You can follow the loading status of your orders live on our website and access instant stock information through our system.
Oraltay Logistics offers all Turkey’s economic solutions in the shipment. Provides fast and high quality service in partial or complete vehicle supply. It brings together customers and vehicle owners directly.
A few things we’re great
Here are some of our special services that our contracted companies can use.
Detailed monthly shipment information. You can access archive information of the last 5 years.
Logistics is a vital part of supply chain management.
The supply chain is one of the basic components of the production and service world. The concept of logistics, which covers all services for the purchase, storage and protection of goods and services, has expanded to include transportation, depending on the developing economic conditions.
Oraltay Lojistik İzmir’s new storage center was established in Menderes. It offers 13,200 m2 free storage area, including 3.200 m2 closed and 10.000 m2 open area. The Menderes region creates an ideal location for logistics services due to its proximity to the airport, İzmir port and ring roads.
Oraltay Logistics can load and unload the product in every tonnage with its large machine park.
You can get an offer on pallet basis or square meter for your storage needs. In addition, you can also benefit from our private warehouses starting from 200 square meters, which have separate entrance and office belonging to the companies, if desired.
Pictures from operations
Loading and unloading, services provided to customers.
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Our professional staff in their work.